Sunday, November 20, 2011

winter wonderland

hasn't it been crazily mild for mid november! usually by this time of year i'm already bundled in coats and sitting on a heater, and - whilst i am in no way complaining or wishing it would suddenly freeze over, i am itching to decorate my house for winter and snow(fake) somehow clashes with the warm sunshine outside!

i'm inspired by the window in Elizabeth Howell's at the moment

the candles, the snow, the whole winter woodland scene - i want it! and i have to state here that i don't celebrate christmas so i don't have the tree and the holly and mistletoe and all the sparkly bits that most people have around this time, but this year i thought, hey - i'm in a new home, why not start a new tradition and decorate my house according to the seasons!  as winter is (usually) one of the longest in this part of the world, and i usually spend most of it moaning about how dismal it all is, why not embrace it and make it pretty?

be warned husband! i have enough candles to light up the entire island and a lot of snow that i'm not afraid to use! (crumbs...that stuffs not flammable is it?!!)

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